Humidor Mobile & Boss Life E-Cigars
Humidor Mobile Cigar Bar & Catering is now a proud distributor of Boss Life E-Cigars!!
Boss Life E-Cigars are the premier E-Cigar choice for any traditional smoker! It's sleek, innovative style will remind you of your favorite 7" Corona style cigar. It has a lightly sweet, yet rich and balanced Cuban Cigar flavor. The 'true leaf' wrapper is everything a cigar wrapper should be. It's 'Real Feel Soft Tip Filter' makes for the most genuine electronic cigar experience on the market!
Eliminate your worry over humidification or the excessive oxidation that sometimes occurs in traditional cigars. The "Boss Life" e-cigar is a delightful substitute for smoking traditional cigars. Best of all, the Boss Life E-Cigar is easy to use, contains no smoke, no ashes, has no flame, and leaves no odor!
Boss Life E-Cigars comes in 3 unique flavors: Coconut Rum, Cuban, and Pomegranate.
Boss Life Coconut Rum
1.8 % Nicotine or Non-Nicotine
2,000 Puffs per unit (320 mAh Battery)
Fully Charged & Ready to Use
Boss Life Cuban
1.8% Nicotine
2,000 Puffs per unit (320 mAh Battery)
Fully Charged & Ready to Use
Boss Life Pomegranate
2,000 Puffs (320 mAh Battery)
Fully Charged & Ready to Use